I need some support as a Carer

Being a carer for someone else can be isolating, and this can lead to feeling low or excessively worrying. But there is a lot of local support available. Reaching out can helping you stay strong mentally, and support you to continue to provide the best care you can.

For local advice about where you can access support for your own wellbeing…

LPT Carer’s Pack – Your local NHS Service has put together a carers pack to give you, which covers most services and supports across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. You may download this from here.


Age UK – Information, advice and support for those over 50 years old. Call 0116 299 2233 or visit https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leics/ or see a summary of what they can offer https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leics/our-services/overview-of-services/

Admiral Nurses – Specialist Dementia nurses who offer practical and emotional support to the carer of those not just with Dementia, but memory issues too. Details of your local team are found here…


Call 01572 720959 for your local nurse team, or call the national helpline on 0800 888 6678.

Visit for further information – https://www.dementiauk.org/get-support/what-is-an-admiral-nurse/ 

Clasp – Local charity supporting unpaid carers. Phone 0116 251 0999 or see their website for more information. https://www.claspthecarerscentre.org.uk/ Includes, Clasp Together We Care local carers groups. https://claspthecarerscentre.org.uk/together-we-care

Mind – National charity for advice and support. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helping-someone-else/carers-friends-family-coping-support/

Sendiass Leicester -For parents and carers of young people 0-25 years old with SEND – https://sendiassleicester.org.uk/ 

Need an extra pair of hands?

You may benefit from a care assessment from the Rutland County Council and find out what you could get access to.


Support for your own Mental Health…

Pepper’s and the Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafe – On the High Street in Oakham, drop in sessions for people struggling with their mental health, for a chat and a cuppa. Several welcoming activities throughout the month to get confidence and support. https://www.peppersasafeplace.co.uk/

There are particular drop in times for anyone struggling with their mental health and needing immediate support, and transport could also be provided. https://www.peppersasafeplace.co.uk/our-services/neighbourhood-mental-health-cafe

Local RISE team (Rutland Integrated Social Empowerment Service) – There are a lot of things going on in your area to encourage you to meet up with others and get some support and enjoyment back into your life. If you’re not sure where to start and need some help to get back out and about, refer yourself to the local RISE team. https://rutland.gov.uk/joy Or see what else is going on! https://services.thejoyapp.com/

Free NHS Talking Therapies –  Refer yourself for NHS Talking Therapies. For those who live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland and aged 16 or over. You do not need to see a GP first and can call directly. Please call VITA Health Group on 03300 945595. Or visit their website for more information or refer online… https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/leicester-leicestershire-rutland/

Extra support…                         

Take a look at the other mental health pages if there are some specific symptoms or things you may need some extra support with. If you are still struggling, please contact the surgery to book a review. You may be offered an appointment with our dedicated Mental Health Practitioner to decide what other support you may need. In some cases, medication may be needed to support your mental health and aid your recovery.