If someone you know says they are thinking about suicide or harming themselves now, please call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E if you are able to.
If they feel they can keep safe for now, but still need URGENT advice, ask them to call the NHS Crisis number for urgent support…
24/7 URGENT/CRISIS Mental Health support – Call the NHS Central Access Point on 0808 800 3302
It’s hard when you know someone is struggling, but you have no idea about how you can help them. Sharing this site with them is a good starting point.
Local Support…
Share some of the advice and support pages on here if you think they apply, or work through them together. It might be the bit of encouragement that they need, particularly knowing who they can contact in the local area.
Pepper’s and the Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafe – On the High Street in Oakham, drop in sessions for people struggling with their mental health, for a chat and a cuppa. Several welcoming activities throughout the month to get confidence and support. Have a think about going along with them? https://www.peppersasafeplace.co.uk/
There are particular drop in times for anyone struggling with their mental health and needing immediate support, and transport could also be provided. https://www.peppersasafeplace.co.uk/our-services/neighbourhood-mental-health-cafe/
Get Out and About – Sometimes it’s a listening ear and knowing you’re there. Sometimes they just need a helping hand getting out and about and enjoying the old things they used to love doing. Check out the local area to see what’s up and coming… https://services.thejoyapp.com/
Free NHS Talking Therapies – Advise them that they can refer themselves for NHS Talking Therapies. For those who live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland and aged 16 or over. They do not need to see a GP first and can call directly. Please call VITA Health Group on 03300 945595. Or visit their website for more information or refer online… https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/leicester-leicestershire-rutland/
Keeping them Safe…
To keep them safe, you may wish to come up with a ‘safe plan’ or suggest they take a look. If you both feel comfortable doing it, consider working through it together. It can be a great conversation starter and remind them of things they hadn’t thought about.
These websites can help keep people safe… https://theolliefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/OLLIE-Safe-Plan.pdf
For support with self-harm…
Other support by Phone or Online…
Consider passing on the number of some professional services so that they know where else to turn if and when they may be needed.
24/7 URGENT/Non urgent listening support – Call the Samaritans for free on 116 123, or visit their website: www.samaritans.org
24/7 CRISIS text support -Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK – 0800 689 5652 – 6pm till Midnight
They welcome callers of all languages. Supportive and confidential listening service to anyone aged 18 and over, with thoughts of suicide. https://www.spuk.org.uk/national-suicide-prevention-helpline-uk/
CALM – Suicide Prevention Helpline – 0800 585858 – 5pm till Midnight, 365 days a year
or Webchat (https://www.thecalmzone.net/get-support)
A free, confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental support to those within the UK.
Papyrus Hopeline UK – 0800 068 4141 – 9am till Midnight
For children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.https://www.papyrus-uk.org/
For NHS Staff only…
We need support now and again too! Look after yourselves and one another. This is for NHS Staff support…
Text FRONTLINE to 85258 for support 24/7
Further Support for you…
The following sites also provides some great advice on how you can give some support…
If in doubt – share with them the NHS crisis telephone number, and encourage them to get in touch with their GP practice for review.
24/7 URGENT/CRISIS Mental Health support – Call the NHS Central Access Point on 0808 800 3302