I am Feeling Anxious

Are you feeling on edge and getting symptoms such as shaking, sweating or panic in certain situations? Some anxiety is normal but if you find becoming severe and stopping you doing what you want to do, or affecting things such as your work or relationships, it may be time to keep things in check. This section is specifically for adults, for children with anxiety, please see the other dropdown options.

Local Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafe – Excellent place for advice and support; find your local one here. If you have any problems with getting there, please get in contact with the café and they may be able to help you with transport. https://www.peppersasafeplace.co.uk/our-services/neighbourhood-mental-health-cafe/

Recovery college –  Educational courses for those with Mental Health challenges. There is a mixture of on-line and classroom options. See website which includes their prospectus. https://www.leicspart.nhs.uk/service/leicestershire-recovery-college/

Decider Skills – This is based on the psychological therapy CBT. A great resource for you to access discretely on your phone, as a ‘heat of the moment’ brief self-help way of managing emotions. Have a look in advance to get some of these techniques practiced and ready to use for when needed. The overall website has more general information… https://www.thedecider.org.uk/

But the app is especially helpful… https://pwa.thedecider.org.uk/#/

Local RISE team (Rutland Integrated Social Empowerment Service) – There are a lot of things going on in your area to encourage you to meet up with others and get some support and enjoyment back into your life. If you’re not sure where to start and need some help to get back out and about, refer yourself to the local RISE team. https://rutland.gov.uk/joy Or see what else is going on! https://services.thejoyapp.com/

Consider taking a look at some specific self-help guides, information and support… 

No Panic – for support with managing anxiety and panic.

https://nopanic.org.uk/ Helpline number 03007729844 (Everyday, 10am-10pm/365 days/year)

NTW Self-help Guides – Work through things in your own way and in your own time. https://www.cntw.nhs.uk/home/accessible-information/easy-read/self-help-guides/ 

Mind – Understand what anxiety it is, why it happens and what you can do about it. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/about-anxiety/ 

NHS Every Mind Matters – NHS advice and understanding the symptoms and causes of anxiety. https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/mental-health-issues/anxiety/ 

Living Life to the Full – Get to the root cause of your anxieties with some online courses and support. Explore associated conditions that can cause anxiety, or occur because of anxiety. https://llttf.com/ 

Get Self Help – Information and many self-help options and solutions to try. https://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/anxiety-self-help/

Keeping active or doing exercise can help anxiety. Take a look at your local options… 

Active Rutlandhttps://www.activerutland.org.uk/ 

Active Together – https://www.active-together.org/ 

Rutland Active Referral Schemehttps://services.thejoyapp.com/en/listings/1311 

Refer yourself for counselling

Free NHS Talking Therapies –  Refer yourself for NHS Talking Therapies. For those who live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland and aged 16 or over. You do not need to see a GP first and can call directly. Please call VITA Health Group on 03300 945595. Or visit their website for more information or refer online… https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/leicester-leicestershire-rutland/

Relate – Further counselling options (may be chargeable). They also offer children’s, family, and relationship counselling. https://www.relate.org.uk/get-help/

If anxiety is affecting your sleep, there is some advice here

The Sleep Charity – You can call their National Sleep Helpline: 03303 530 541 – 7-9pm Mon/Tues/Thurs and 9-11am Mon/Wed  https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/

Could the Menopause be affecting my Mental Health?

Hormonal changes around the menopause can cause a host of physical and psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and low mood. If you feel this may apply to you have a look at the website below for more information. Please see the other dropdown option for more information.

Patient https://patient.info/news-and-features/how-to-cope-with-anxiety-during-menopause 

Other local NHS Sources of Support in different Languages…

Have a look at the NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing Support booklet. https://www.leicspart.nhs.uk/mental-health/helpful-documents/ 

Extra Support… 

Please note this section is specifically for adults, for children with anxiety, please see the other dropdown options. You may find other sections on here helpful for advice if there are particular things that are making you feel more anxious.

If you are still struggling, please contact the surgery to book a review. You may be offered an appointment with our dedicated Mental Health Practitioner to decide what other support you may need. In some cases, medication may be needed to support your mental health and aid your recovery.